Friday, May 27, 2011

I'm proud

this is something I've been thinking about a lot over the last few months... facebook, blogs, social networking... what's the point? Well, for me it was initially really fun connecting with people from the past, then grew into a way to share things I maybe wouldn't share with people in person (hmmm) and now I've stumbled upon this nebulous state of ambiguity. Not really sure what's appropriate to share and what isn't. And why do I care about that?

The answer? Because I've been raised with the mindset that life is a blessing... not to be arrogant. And all of this sharing has made me feel, well arrogant.

But there's a difference between pride and arrogance... at least the way I'm describing it here. I am proud of my life. I am proud of my accomplishments and I am proud that I've been able to overcome things that have dragged others down...

I'm not perfect. I've made a lot of mistakes... and I don't want one of them to be me becoming an arrogant person.

The things I do work for me, because I've made goals in my life to listen to God's voice and heed what He says to me (most of the time, I've gotten in lots of trouble for not listening!).

So my hangup with facebook and blogging has been that I don't want to look like a snob... arrogant about the good things in my life. But why should I feel like I can't be happy about my life just because other people are unhappy? Or that I think they will judge me for being too goody-goody. If people think that I suppose they wouldn't read... at least that's what I would do.

I am so sullen with this whole concept lately. Hung up on what others would think of me... but who cares?

I'm happy with my life, and I'm so proud of the person I've grown up to be! Does anyone else understand where I'm coming from here? I guess I wanted to say type it out loud!


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