goodbye 2009
01. Where did you begin 2009? at TJ's house with some of my favorite people and drinking lots of sparkling grape juice :D
02. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before? Got engaged!
03. What was your status by Valentine’s Day? single. i don't remember anything about valentines day last year ha!
04. Were you in school (anytime this year)? just andy's preschool ;)
05. How did you earn your money? still as a nanny and then also with my photography. I started doing weddings this year and since June I've only been doing photography as my living
06. Did you have to go to the hospital? only once that i remember and it was to visit a friend
07. Did you have any encounters with the police? just your standard speeding tickets ;)
08. Where did you go on holidays? stayed at home for Easter, 4th of july in maryland with my brother's family, thanksgiving and Christmas at home and at Steve's :)
09. What did you purchase that was over $1000? my amazing computer!
10. Did you know anybody who got married? Melissa and Jim, Em and Nate, Evan and Taryn
11. Did you know anyone that passed away? Steve's grandpa, but I had never actually met him :(
12. Did you know anyone who had a baby? quite a few people actually, but noone i'm particularly close to... ahem, MELISSA!
13. Did you move? yes actually! to an apartment of my own :)
14. What concerts/shows did you go to? none, not so much a concert type of girl
15. Are you registered to vote? yes
16. Who did you want to win Big Brother? ummmmmmm, i don't care
17. Where do you live now? in my apartment
18. Describe your birthday see here lol
19. What’s one thing you thought you’d never do, but did in 2009? got engaged... seriously, I really never thought I would
20. What has been your favorite moment? there are so many amazing moments, but to pick just one i would say the day that steve said that he loved me :)
21. What’s something you learned about yourself? I can be really selfish, and I am trying so hard not to be
22. Any new additions to your family? does steve count? ;)
23. What was your best month? summer as a whole was pretty spectacular
24. What was your worst month? most likely february, it always is ha!
25. What music will you remember 2009 by? party in the usa by miley cyrus unfortunately
26. Who has been your best drinking buddy? melissa for sure, we <3 our sparkling grape juice and frappes :D
27. Made new friends? most definitely, and a lot that i never would have expected that i've met because of steve :)
28. Lost friends? none that i've lost so much as maybe am just not in touch with as much anymore
29. Favorite night out? when we've had girls nights at Andreas
30. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? still happy :) happier about some things for sure though
ii. thinner or fatter? Thinner, though it would be nice to be even moreso!
iii. richer or poorer? not really sure about that. maybe i have more money, but to say richer may be a stretch lol
31. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? there are quite a few prominent dates from this year, but I would say August 29th the day I met steve is one that I will never forget :)