goodbye 2008
1. Where did you begin 2008? in avoca with alicia, at smokies... to be specific... and later getting pulled over for "drunk driving"
2. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before? oh probably a lot of things... but the biggest thing was building my photography into a business!
3. What was your status by Valentine’s Day? single and just fine with it :)
4. Were you in school (anytime this year)? no! for the first time since i was 3!
5. How did you earn your money? mostly through my job as a nanny, but as the year progressed I made a lot doing photoghraphy
6. Did you have to go to the hospital? thankfully no
7. Did you have any encounters with the police? haha YES, one on new year's eve last year
8. Where did you go on holidays? I went to Maryland for Easter, and I may go again this year. Fourth of July was in Mexico and Thanksgiving and Christmas were at home with my parents and some family
9. What did you purchase that was over $1000? My 5D!!!
10. Did you know anybody who got married? Beka and Jared, Meghan and Steve, Matt and Danielle
11. Did you know anyone that passed away? not anyone that i was particularly close with
12. Did you know anyone who had a baby? Michelle and Sherrie
13. Did you move? no, but i wanted to! and hopefully i will be in 2009
14. What concerts/shows did you go to? i don't really go to concerts often...
15. Are you registered to vote? yes
16. Who did you want to win Big Brother? i didn't even know that was on
17. Where do you live now? with my parents
18. Describe your birthday. I worked and then went to cadre
19. What’s one thing you thought you’d never do, but did in 2008? started a business
20. What has been your favorite moment? there have been a lot... but i think my favorite moments have been watching a friend of mine's life be changed by God.
21. What’s something you learned about yourself? just that every year i get older, i realize how much i DON'T know about being an adult LOL
22. Any new additions to your family? nopers
23. What was your best month? probably july
24. What was your worst month? march
25. What music will you remember 2008 by? the deluge band cd
26. Who has been your best drinking buddy? def melissa. hahaha! but we just drink sparkling grape juice
27. Made new friends? yes, lots of them
28. Lost friends? yes, one in particular, but we won't go into that here!
29. Favorite night out? probably thursdays or fridays... but not one night that i remember
30. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? happier, most definitely
ii. thinner or fatter? same i think
iii. richer or poorer? i have more money
31. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? i am bad at recalling specific dates and events... but the trip to mexico i will always remember and everything that happened there.