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I am 20 something years old. I love Jesus with all my heart. I love my husband. I love my bed. People sometimes tell me that I'm intimidating. I'm all fluff. I am a photographer. I am a care-taker. I am a wife. I am a sister, daughter and friend. I don't like snakes. I don't like mushrooms, unless I can't taste them. I like the idea of hedgehogs and turtles. I love getting dressed up but don't do it often enough. I love getting letters in the mail. I am a hopeless romantic, cliche, I know, but it's true.

Steve is my no-longer-twenty-something husband. He is a mechanical engineer at one of the universities near us and currently works as a lab tech. He fell in love with me, so you can guess he's probably a little crazy... but you'd never know it unless you got to know him :) Still waters run deep they say and it's true, especially with him.

We are expecting to meet our little one around January 21st, 2012 and couldn't be more excited ;)

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Blog Archive
- Movie Madness: The Kite Runner
- get ready
- my first newborn pictures / birth announcement!
- what's wrong with me?
- Friday night IN
- picture withdrawl!
- for lack of a better title
- All the things you CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT!
- Just a reminder
- summer
- WWWAT: Vintage
- please excuse the mess :)
- an addendum
- Jessica
- my modeling career
- just thought you'd like to know...
- If 3 year olds ran the world
- Posting Date and other info
- Ron's Slip 'n Slide Extravaganza
- let's wrap it up!
- last call!
- POW!
- what happens when noone is looking...
- the contest, rules and a prize!
- no more chicken please
- 1 year already
3 extraordinary comments:
eeeeeewwwwww! cover your eyes!
bat wings are my favorite!
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