Sunday, December 2, 2007

in loving memory of white chocolate

As we headed back from brazil, we made a transfer within the country. We left the plane and headed out to our taxi to take us to the next airport for the connecting flight... however, as soon as i had lugged my bags into the van, i realized to my HORROR that i had left my cell phone in the seat pocket on the plane we just came off!

So we ran back into the airport and went to lost luggage where they promptly called the plane to have them check. They said that it was not there. It hadn't been more than 20 minutes since we had gotten off the plane, and deb and i were literally the last two people on the plane. the cleaning crew was shooing us off. So I suspect that one of them pocketed it... I mean who wouldn't...

white chocolate phone with headphones and adapter... and 2gig micro SD card... where are you??? I loved my phone so much, especially the music that was on there, the only remains i had after a freak accident with the hard drive on my computer... oh white chocolate phone that i love so dearly... with videos and pictures and all the people i know and love...

I loved that phone. It was a good phone and friend to me. It was white and clean and it played me nice music. It always woke me up on time and it would take nice pictures of me and my friends :( oh white chocolate phone how you will be missed...

This morning I went on a telephone search to try and locate the missing piece of white chocolate. I called the airline and they instructed me to call the airport in Brazil. So i did. they speak portugese, I don't. it was a very unfruitful call. My phone is gone... forever.

Good bye good white chocolate phone.
You will be missed greatly.

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